Grace Church: An Anglican-Lutheran Shared Ministry officially began January 10, 2021. This shared ministry combines two churches under one roof: Grace Lutheran Church (North American Lutheran Church) and Christ Church (Anglican Church of North America). Denominationally, we are still two distinct churches, but “life on the ground” is as united as we are able to make it: shared worship, shared fellowship, shared outreach, and shared vision.
On Sunday mornings at 10:30 we worship with a blended liturgy that follows the traditions of both congregations. We are so excited to see what Jesus continues to do in and through this shared ministry. We hope you’ll join us some Sunday to see what it’s all about!
Joshua Yoder is our pastor. He and his family have lived in Washington since 2014, originally moving here to pastor Christ Church, an Anglican congregation. In February 2020, after hearing about a need that Grace Lutheran Church had for a local pastor, he began discussions with both churches regarding what a shared ministry might look like in our city. Through much prayer and sensing the Spirit’s leading, Grace Church was formed in January 2021. He is leading our congregation into what it would look like to live out Jesus’ prayer for unity among his followers. As he often says, “We’ve reduced the number of churches in Beaufort County by one!” And that’s a good thing!
Joshua has been married to Jessica and they have three amazing children: Anna, Ethan, and Gavin. Joshua hosts a podcast called Unbinding the Bible, which calls Christians to faithfully interpret the Bible – with Jesus fully in mind – and to let it transform the way they think and live. Joshua enjoys running, working out,
and binge-watching Netflix series’ with his family.